This is the start of a 3D FPS project using many prefab assets from MSU's Game Design program on Coursera.

Additional assets were purchased via the Unity Asset Store.

I have written the player controller script, flashlight and the volume control scripts as well as modified a number of other scripts 

The game features 2 distinct levels to explore with a darker setting to pull the player into a feeling of paranoia. A custom soundtrack has been added to amplify this experience.

Known Issues

  • UI Scaling
    • Despite executing and scaling properly from Unity and from the Build & Run, the executable via itch is not properly reducing the scale of the game to fit all elements within the user's screen.
  • Clipping
    • I have not figured out how to order assets in such a way to prevent clipping especially as it pertains to rotation and elevation. There will be some instances where the ground or other elements show through each other
  • Teleporter
    • Despite having an OnCollision check, the transporter in Level 2 sometimes doesn't register the contact and/or will trigger a few seconds after the collision takes place.


Shootimus Bugimus (Windows Install) 142 MB

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